On October 25, 2017, Musiqa presented its 100th show of “Around the World with Musiqa.” Introduced in 2004 “Around the World with Musiqa” is an original production created by the Musiqa composers that uses modern arrangements of folk songs to teach students musical concepts. The show is presented annually at the Hobby Center for the Performing Arts’ Discovery Series. Discovery Series shows are offered to Houston area public schools free of charge including bus transportation.
In the past 13 seasons, over 45,000 students from over 200 Houston area public schools have enjoyed “Around the World with Musiqa” performances. “One-hundred performances of ‘Around the World with Musiqa’ is a wonderful milestone,” states Musiqa Executive Director Brian Hodge. “We are extremely grateful for the support of the Hobby Center over the years, which has made it possible for us to serve the community on this scale.”
Part of the program’s success is the interactive component of the show. Preparatory material is sent to students ahead of the concert. In the classroom, they learn the lyrics to songs from all over the world, written in their native languages. Then in the concert hall, the lyrics come alive as the students become the stars, singing, clapping and joining in the performance.
“Students learn how composers make folk songs come alive in personal and imaginative ways,” says Musiqa Artistic Director Anthony Brandt. “As the children hear and sing songs in five different languages, they learn to appreciate music from diverse cultures.”
“Year after year I have experienced miracles and transformations together with the students at workshops and in the hall,” states Musiqa Resident Artist and soprano Karol Bennett. “‘Around the World with Musiqa’ brings inspiration to the schools, administration, teachers, and most of all to the students. I have performed in every show because I feel gratitude for the difference I can make and the revitalizing energetic connection to the music and students the program brings.”
Click the links to learn more about Musiqa’s education programs and “Around the World with Musiqa.”