
1. A lively piece of music, typically short and free in form.

2. A style of painting introduced in the Renaissance that combines real architectural elements and figures in fictional and fantastical combinations.

3. A series of six works for solo violin by Houston composer and Musiqa Artist Board member Karim Al-Zand.

4. The film inspired by Al-Zand’s Capriccios, created by Houston filmmaker Traci Lavois Thiebaud, and involving arts organizations and artists from across the city. “Capriccio” was commissioned by Musiqa, and includes ballet dancers, actors, writers, visual artists, poets, musicians of all sorts and (of course) art cars in a celebration of Houston’s artistic diversity. A modern cinematic riff on a 17th century painting style, Musiqa’s “Capriccio” is coming this summer, for free, to your electronic device.

“Capriccio” is a film celebrating the diversity and resilience of Houston’s arts community. Commissioned by Musiqa, “Capriccio” features musicians, dancers, poets, painters, actors, art cars and more, all packed into a free-flowing visual collage conceived and created by Houston artist Traci Lavois Thiebaud and scored by Karim Al-Zand’s Violin Capriccio #1 and #6, as performed by Natalie Lin Douglas and Matthew Detrick. Contributors include Houston Ballet, The Houston Symphony, DiverseWorks, Catastrophic Theatre, and many, many more.

Musiqa has been presenting modern music in dialogue with dance, painting, film, literature and poetry since our founding. As we approach our 20th anniversary season, this new film reaffirms our commitment to collaboration and our community.